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盐城市丰和铸造机械有限公司位于黄海之滨的江苏省大丰市,大丰市历史悠久、人文荟萃、民风淳朴,是历史名人水浒传作者施耐庵的故里,又是国家一级自然保护动动物麋鹿故乡, 1940 年 10月 新四军、八路军会师地。该市交通、通讯发达,新长铁路、 204 国道、沿海通道高速公路穿市而过,抛丸设备、抛丸机械、抛丸清理机、抛丸机、滚筒式抛丸机、履带式抛丸机、转台式抛丸机、吊钩式抛丸机等,优越的环境造就了发展的天时、地利、通过几年的商海拼搏及企业内部管理人员的奋发。

我公司集科研、设计、制造、安装调试与咨询服务于一体的机械制造专业企业。专业生产销售:抛丸设备、抛丸机械、抛丸清理机、抛丸机、滚筒式抛丸机、履带式抛丸机、转台式抛丸机、吊钩式抛丸机等,我公司技术力量雄厚,抛丸设备先进,检测手段齐全完备。产品销往全国 27 个省、市、自治区, 800 多家用户,目前已在上海、北京、天津、广州、重庆、武汉等大中城市共设有 40 多个办事处,形成完备的销售、服务网络体系。大丰抛丸机、江苏抛丸机、盐城抛丸机、H型钢抛丸机、钢板抛丸机、盐城丰和抛丸机


Jiangus fenghe Mechanical Co.,Ltd lies in Dafeng City Jiangsu province .As a seashore city, Dafeng, the hometown of Shi nai-anoa well-known historian,holds many cultural sights,much hospitable peoples and puite a long history.Elks,national 1 grsde preserved animal,live here.sheis Also the piace where NFA,EA(the umits of Red Army)jointed forces in Oct,1940.Xinchang Railway,204 national highway and Coastal eapressway run though.The developed transportation and communication bring forth much developing advantages.After several yearsiefforts,the company has showed a continualprogressing trends today.?

Asaprofessionalmechanicenterprise,capableofselfresearch,design,manufacturing,installati onAnd services,she has a solid personnel of technicians and complete testing means.The intemational quality authentication system.500 or more sets yearly production were sold to 800 customers all over the country.40 offices have established in the major cities such as shangai ,Beijing etc..A whole saling&service network has formed.?

The company insists upon the quality polity:exercise morderm mordmtechnolongy,produce first-rate products,afford thoughtful services , strive for togetherdevelopments.Based on the ideas of staidness , faith ,exeistence,wesincerely welcome all circlesifriends from home and abroad to cooperate widely and develop synchronously.

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